Editorial + Design
The Coca-Cola Company
Produced 29-page report celebrating the completion of a decade-long initiative to economically empower 5 million women entrepreneurs across The Coca-Cola Company’s value chain by the year 2020.
Produced 29-page report celebrating the completion of a decade-long initiative to economically empower 5 million women entrepreneurs across The Coca-Cola Company’s value chain by the year 2020.
Collaborated with internal stakeholders and external partners to produce 43-page sustainability report on the beverage company’s global recycling initiative.
Designed logo for an original podcast from Charles Schwab that exposes the psychological traps that can lead to expensive mistakes. Worked with illustrator Matt Blease on covers for each individual episode.
Develop, write and edit articles, op-eds, presentations, reports, and speeches for senior-level executives—including the introduction to the commemorative, 2011 coffee-table book Coca-Cola 125th Anniversary.
As Marek prepares to hand over leadership to the third generation, 30 Point Press looks back at its rich heritage with A Legacy of Values: The 80-Year History of the Marek Family of Companies.
Develop, write, edit, design, and produce Onward—and its sister personal-finance quarterly, On Investing—with a combined circulation of 2.4 million nationwide.
Developed, wrote, designed, and produced a bifold brochure showcasing the benefits of participation in the Georgia Foreign-Trade Zone, including an infographic explaining the program’s inner workings.
Interviewed subject matter experts and corporate leaders on four continents for 58-page report on the plans, priorities, and expectations of 1,900 private company leaders in 30 countries.
Developed and designed concise guidelines for Pennzoil and Quaker State distributors nationwide pertaining to product display, shop conditions, and staff conduct to help guarantee customers the best possible experience.
Researched and ghostwrote cover story on how the Pentagon must adapt to an increasingly global defense industry by courting commercial companies that can provide the kind of cutting-edge technologies that have given U.S. troops a comparative advantage for more than seven decades.
Interviewed industry experts and wrote in-depth analysis of how electric utilities can embrace clean, renewable energy by changing how they’re structured, how they operate, and how they interact with the public.
Collaborated with portfolio management team to develop, write, and edit 30-page blueprint for financial advisors and their clients seeking to diversify their portfolios with liquid alternative investments.
Developed robust brand guidelines for online content, including the use of color, illustration, information design, photography, mixed media, typography, and voice.
Held roundtables and subsequently authored a four-part series on the investment implications of the so-called debt supercycle, during which global borrowing reached unprecedented levels in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.